How to use promotional pens for different marketing purposes
Promotional pens are an affordable and effictive product media for brand-buildning, that not only strengthen your customer relationships but also help generate new business for your company. This not least because of their physical characteristics and the fact that we appreciate receiving gifts. There are situations and marketing purposes for which promotioanal pens are especially useful

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To explain this, we have written a guide where we describe the value of promotional pens in 7 different situations. The purpose is to inspire and assist sales and marketing professionals to see new potential applications where promotional pens can add value to both brand and customers.
In the guide we list 7 situations where promotional pens have great value:
- Pen give away in face-to-face encounters
- Pens increases sales and help seal the deal
- Pens to enhance an experience
- Pens for brand-building
- Pens to increase your conversion rate
- Pens to improve customer satisfaction
- Pens to strengthen your relations in different segments
Once you have read this guide, you will get a better understanding of the value of promotional pens in different situations and have easier to plan for different applications in your own organisation. So take the step to get inspired!