Has it ever happened to you that you wake up in the middle of the night with a great new idea that you absolutely want to remember but you cannot recall it in the morning?
New ideas often show up when you are in the borderline between awakening and sleep, many of us have noticed it. That’s why it’s always good to have a paper and pen at the nightstand so you can quickly record the thoughts that you want to remember afterwards. It is usually enough with a few words or a quick sketch to help us recreate the idea later.
An invention or product often begins with a pen used to sketch an idea. Everything from houses and floor plans to technical gadgets and fashion has for a long time started with a drawing on paper. Over the past few decades, digitalization has taken over much of the pen’s work, but still one usually wants to use a pen to drag the first lines on the paper. It’s only later when the sketch begins to take shape that you want to transfer it to your computer to finish the product or design digitally.
For us who work with marketing and communication, new ideas and creative solutions are part of everyday life, but whatever your professional role is, there is a need for innovation, mapping and planning. So do not forget the pen’s potential for these purposes. The computer in all its glory, but brainstorming, mindmaps, idea sketches and notes will always be the best when created by hand. Thus, the pen is undoubtedly the most important tool for your idea work.
And of course, do not forget to brand your pens with your logo. Your company’s identity is as important, whether it’s the pens you give away or use in the office.

Here you can search for the promotional pens suitable for your idea work >>