A promotional pen
What usually comes to mind is a two-tone plastic pen of questionable quality. Often it features the logo of some government agency, an insurance company, or some other down-to-earth business like a car dealership or recruitment agency.
And then there are those pens that few companies even dare to order with their logo on, fearing they are too “creative” and perhaps not quite practical.
Few people ever visit the showroom of a promotional pen distributor. The variety of materials, ink types, and designs sometimes displayed along the walls as in a gallery are reminiscent of a childhood visit to a candy store. And just like kids, we’re itching to try the pens. Promotional pens shaped like different foods, rocket-shaped pens, pens with built-in mini-games and puzzles, or pens with multiple nibs to serve specific purposes. Most distributors have at least one memory of a “creative” order.
Creative Pens
A Google image search for various synonyms for “creative” or “funny” pen designs throws up several suggestions for anyone looking for inspiration. Examples include pens with dual purposes, such as a torch or fan, or shaped like a bracelet to guarantee that you’ll always have a pen with you.
Here are a few examples of pens that are different and playful. Even if you don’t fancy being quite so creative when it comes to choosing a promotional pen for your business, we hope you’ll still find some inspiration.
Remember, almost all pen surfaces can be printed on.

The product images above are taken from the product pages of various distributors.
Please contact us for a list of image sources.