A few weeks ago, we got really inspired here at the office when talking about the possibility to reuse promotional pens in new creative ways. By finding alternative applications once the ink has dried out, you can extend the life of both the pens and their printed messages. Perfect for companies that want to promote sustainable choices while getting the maximum value of their well-chosen promotional pens.
In the first part of this blog series “DIY – Make creative summer crafts with old pens” we talked about the opportunity to reuse old pens and invited our readers to submit creative tips and ideas on how to do it yourself. We also promised that we would get back with a few examples – so here they are…
Flower pot: At first glance, it almost looks like being bought from an expensive designer store, but looking closer, it turns out to be a flower pot decorated with the promotional pen 1More. Tip for the company: Perhaps there is someone at work enjoying hand crafts who can create some flower pots with your logo branded pens to make even the plants at the office a part of your graphic identity.

Plant label: For all of you who enjoy growing and planting, Vegetal Pen – a biodegradable pen (apart from cartridge and feather), could serve as the perfect plant label. An eco-friendly label to fully monitor your flowers and garden plantings. Tip for the company: Why not print your logo on the pen body and select some of the most popular spices, as Basil, Thyme and Oregano, and print their names on the clip. We assure you it will be both a different and fun give away.

Lamp-shade: Make your own pen lamp with a cheap metal frame bought at a second-hand shop. Easy peasy to attach pens of varying colours and shapes to get a lamp-shade completely in your own taste, it’s also easy to replace. If you are looking for a more stylish and clean finish, you can either choose pens in the same colour or pens of the same model, for example Raja Golden. Or just buy a jar of spray paint at the local hobby store. Success guaranteed!

Trying to solve a problem is often an easy way to get started. Start by looking around and try to locate any problem that you might be able to fix. Maybe you need more clothing hooks to avoid that chaos in the hallway. Or a nice pen stand to keep your children from spreading their pens all over the house… and this is where your old promotional pens can come in handy. Our examples above are just a fraction of all the possibilities. If you have an idea or some suggestions on how to reuse your old pens, we ask you to please share them with us. Perhaps it will be your idea we create and write about in our upcoming post
Keep an eye on our blog for more inspiration on how to reuse your old promotional pens. At the end of this summer the best tips will be gathered and published here. Subscribe to receive our content here >>