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Roi OÜ

Tõeline pioneer omasuguste seas – juba 1992.aastast tegutsev ROI on esimene reklaamkingituste agentuur Eestis. Aastatega on Roi kasvanud ja arenenud ühes oma mitmekülgse klientuuriga, mille hulgas on esindatud nii suurettevõtted kui ka eraisikud. Tuhandetesse küündiva tootevalikuga Roi peamiseks eesmärgiks on olnud usaldusväärsuse kasvatamine, soovides sajaprotsendiliselt veenduda, et iga klient lahkuks tipptasemel tootelahendusega. Sel põhjusel on Roi aluse pannud majasisesele tootmisele. Taaskord teerajajana konkurentide seas, valmivad Roi dekoratsioonid kohapeal lojaalsete töötajate käe all. Agentuuril on olemas enam kui 3000 tootega näidistesaal, mida külastades on igal kliendil võimalus oma ettevõtte tarbeks parim võimalik lahendus luua ning panna alus usalduslikule kauakestvale suhtele Roi agentuuriga. Roi suudab kõike – klassikalistest reklaamtoodetest personaalsemate ning innovaatilisemate lahendusteni!

A true pioneer Established in 1992, Roi was the first Estonian agency to focus on promotional products. Throughout the years, Roi has evolved and grown along with the needs of its customers, who are as diverse and versatile as night and day. Offering thousands of different products, Roi has made it a priority to increase credibility and ensure that every customer leaves the agency with a premium-quality product. For that reason and in contrast to similar companies, Roi has its own indoor production facility, where decorations are made using various techniques under watchful eyes and by their very own workers. On top of this, Roi has a showroom with over 3000 product samples, so that the customer can work out the best solution for their specific business and build a strong and trusting relationship with the agency. Roi can do it all – from classic promotional gifts to more personalized and innovative solutions!

Phone Number:
+372 668 02 22
Madara 14
10612 Tallinn
They have a physical showroom that you can visit.