Now we can offer a new range of Eco-pens with several interesting novelties. The demand for eco-pens is high and our ambition is to continuously expand our range with better alternatives for the environment. We have, for example, pens made of biodegradable PLA plastic (s.a. Bio-S!, Vegetal Pen, S45 Bio), pens made of recycled plastic (Pixel Recycled, Elis Recycled, E-Twenty Recycle and Acroball) and recycled PET plastic (Pet Pen). Another novelty is the range of wheat hybrid pens where the plastic is of 40% wheat straw (Add Bamboo Hybrid and Dart Hybrid)
A new range of Eco-pens
You can find our full eco-range here on the site if you want to download pictures or count on prices with different print options. Find all of our eco-pens here >>
Download our Eco-brochure
See the full eco-range in our new brochure. It only contains pens manufactured in materials that are better for the environment. The concept of the brochure is to inspire and give you a quick overview of our full eco-range.
Browse our digital eco brochure or download it in PDF-format here>>