Knowledge & Inspiration

Help “The Pen Boy” break the World Record in promotional pens
Contribute with promotional pens. The Pen Boy Adam Karlsson’s greatest wish is to break the World Record in promotional pens…

The story about “The Pen Boy”
A couple of weeks ago we had a visit from ten year old Adam Karlsson and his parents from Motala…

Pen give away in face-to-face encounters
A pen give away for every encounter. Any interaction between people is an obvious occasion for giving away a promotional…

5 unexpected sales meeting tips
How a pen can improve your sales. It may be helpful to have your laptop with you at sales meetings…

Pens strengthen communication
To strengthen communication and take over when the hearing deficiencies. In the past week we stumbled across a video online…

PenValue Guide
What is “PenValue”?. PenValue is a concept that aims to demonstrate the value of promotional pens purely from a marketing…

A pen can say a thousand words
Last year we had a campaign for Valentine’s Day with the message “say it with a pen

Will promotional pens survive the future?
Will pen and paper survive in a world of touchscreens and tablets?. In today’s digital society of tablets touchscreens and…

Playful Promotional Pens
. A promotional pen. What usually comes to mind is a two-tone plastic pen of questionable quality

Successful Promotional Products
What matters most when choosing a promotional product? Opinions of the recipient.. In 2015 TNS Sifo conducted a survey on…